Choose between our Rooibos and Chai Lattes na Choose between our Variety of Lattes.
Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 250g
R80.00 -
Rooibos Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 250g
R90.00 -
Sugar Free Spiced Chai Instant Latte 200g
R80.00 -
Rooibos Sugar Free Spiced Chai Instant Latte 200g
R90.00 -
Vegan Chai Instant Latte 250g
R90.00 -
Rooibos Vegan Chai Instant Latte 250g
R95.00 -
Salted Caramel Instant Latte 250g
R90.00 -
Rooibos Caramel Latte 250g
R95.00 -
Spiced Pumpkin Chai Instant Latte 200g
R85.00 -
Spiced Pumpkin Instant Latte 200g
R80.00 -
Vanilla Chai Instant Latte 250g
R90.00 -
Vanilla Chai Sugar Free Instant Latte 200g
R90.00 -
White Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 250g
R80.00 -
Rooibos White Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 250g
R90.00 -
Rich Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 250g
Immune Booster Lattes
Choose between our Rooibos and Chai Lattes na Choose between our Variety of Lattes.
Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg
R220.00 -
Rooibos Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg
R245.00 -
Sugar Free Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg
R220.00 -
Rooibos Sugar Free Chai Instant Latte 1kg
R245.00 -
Salted Caramel Instant Latte 1kg
R255.00 -
Rooibos Caramel Latte 1kg
R295.00 -
Rooibos White Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 1kg
R245.00 -
White Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 1kg
R220.00 -
Rich Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 1kg
A delicious everyday coffee with a blend of the finest selected coffee beans from South and Central America.
Herbiza produces the finest Natural Rooibos.
Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg & Natural Rooibos Espresso 1kg
R395.00 -
Natural Rooibos Espresso 1kg X 5
R998.00 -
Natural Rooibos Espresso 1kg & White Hot Choc Instant Latte 1kg
R395.00 -
Natural Rooibos Espresso 1kg & Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg & White Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 1kg
R585.00 -
Natural Rooibos Espresso 1kg & Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg & Rich Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 1kg
R620.00 -
Sweetened Spiced Chai Instant Latte 1kg & Coffee Blend 1kg
R490.00 -
Natural Rooibos Espresso 1kg & Rich Hot Chocolate Instant Latte 1kg